Tuomas Rinta

Oh hi.
I am Tuomas. People call me Thomas, though, as my name - when pronounced by English-speaking folks - easily comes out sounding like dumbass. So Thomas it is.
I was born and raised in the far-away exotic country of Finland, known for being the happiest nation on Earth, and giving birth to a very strange Eurovision winner.
Despite being born in the happiest place, I've been unable to stay put, currently calling a small town in Northern California home, where I live with my spouse, our two kids, and two doggos.
I spent years working in the tech industry, doing really cool stuff like building technology that allowed mobile game developers to show you ads easier! After years of that, I decided I don't quite like the tech industry anymore and bid it farewell. Now I'm having an early mid-life crisis and trying to write books that would make the 7-year old me proud, the one that proudly exclaimed to my mother that he is going to be an author.
Let's see if I can make that 7-year old me not be a liar.